Gregory Stock, AIA

May 31, 20161 min

OFA fundraiser 360 Challenge

In less than a year the American Institiute of Architects National Convention is coming to Orlando!

In order to showcase our impressive local architecture and city, and to garner individual support of educational tours, programs, and activities by AIA Orlando’s Local Host Committee, the Orlando Foundation for Architecture has launched the 365 Challenge! We hope to raise $5000 dollars to fund this effort. We have raised over 10% but still have far to go. Any amount is appreciated.

Help us support the work of the Orlando Foundation for Architecture by making a donation. The process is fast, easy, and secure. You can donate on my fundraising page and help me reach my goal. And/Or share this page on Facebook and Twitter! Or, even better, send an e-mail to friends you think might be interested in contributing and include a link to my page! We would love more people set up a campaign page and join us, too.

“We are celebrating Orlando architecture, Orlando architects, and the region’s evolving uban design, including sustainable living.”

As a major contributor to our local Architecture Blog, and Senior Editor of the [convention] “Guide to Central Florida Architecture” I am passionate about our region. Help us spread the word.

Here is the link to my fundraising page:

#360Challenge #AIA #Orlando #AIAOrlando #2017NationalAIAConvention
