Park Lake Presbyterian Church

Building Name: Park Lake Presbyterian Church
Address: 309 East Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32801
Link to location on Google Maps: Click Here
Year Built: 1924-1926
Architect of Record: Murry S. King
Noteworthy Architectural Features: The house of worship follows Spanish Revival or Mediterranean Revival inspiration. The stucco exterior, arched windows, elaborate parapets, and attached towers all contribute to an over-all romantic and pleasing design. The design includes an inviting and inspirational Sanctuary, suitable for what was then and remains a close-in suburban location. The design is in keeping with the homes surrounding Park Lake, which utilize similar design elements, creating a neighborhood with an historic architectural appeal.
How to Visit: Park Lake Presbyterian Church offers worship services every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. Arrangements may be made for groups or individuals to visit the church at other times by calling the church office.
Architectural Style: Florida Spanish Revival
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This brick 3 story office building features two stories raised above an outdoor entry level. Four heavy corner piers, canted on the diagonal are typical of many of Schweizer’s designs. The roof fascia appears to float above these piers because of a deep gap allowing views of the sky at the corners through that gap. These piers are further articulated by 45 degree extended foot and shoulder forms, echoing classical columns in an abstract way.
The hanging glass curtainwall of the upper stories is shaded by bracketed metal slats which shade the interior from the strong Florida sun. This feature is often called “Brise Soleil” a term coined by French Modern architects.
The architect Nils Schweizer was originally sent by Frank Lloyd Wright to oversee construction of the Florida Southern College buildings under construction in the 1950’s. He stayed, married and opened his own firm in Orlando after Wright’s death.