The Dr. Phillips Center represents a defining moment in Central Florida’s history. This new construction will create a vibrant urban destination for multicultural artistry of regional, national and international standing – a cultural and entertainment center where creativity and education converge to nurture local artists, audiences and students. All guests of the construction site tour MUST wear protective hard hats, safety glasses and safety vests. Bring your own if you have them – others will be loaned for use by Balfour Beatty Construction. All guests must wear proper attire which includes long pants and flat, hard-soled close-toed shoes. There is a 45 per maximum limit for this tour. Tour guides will escort 15 people at a time. Light refreshments will be served in the Round Building where guests can view the project model. $5 for students, $10 for AIA Members, $15 for Non-Members.
Please click the link to register and pay for the tour: http://aiaorlando.com/architecturemonth/
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Location: The Round Building, 455 S. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32802