Richard Vanhorne
Architecture has always sought to capture the Identity of its subject: the essence and pure persona of the environment it inhabits. Here, The Orlando Foundation of Architecture, as well as the American Institute of Architects, Orlando chapter, seeks to celebrate and embrace the Architectural community and Individuals of the public. It is ultimately seeking to enrich thoughtful design in architecture and the livelihood of the community.
The aim is to create timeless content that will forever influence the minds of the future. The Orlando Foundation of Architecture, OFA, and American Institute of Architects, AIA, see it fit to create a home that captures the essence of its surroundings. The building will also serve as an incubator for future architects. The 2+2+2 program includes Valencia, the University of Central Florida, and the University of Florida CityLab Orlando. This Foundation support and encourage the collaboration of these institutions to enrich the community.
Through president research, site visit, and understanding of Jane Jacobs’s “Death and Life of Great American Cities.” I have come to understand the value of interaction between different disciplines, day-to-day workers, and how it influences and enhance the livelihood of the community. She mainly stresses the importance of the corner store and how it breeds interaction for the community.
OFA and AIA want to invite the community into this space to encourage the interaction with young professional, day-to-day pedestrians that are invited in by the “storefront” on the corner. Such interaction will enrich the diversity of the community. Visitors will be more informed about Architecture and their environment.
The concept behind the Identity of this design stems from researches, multiply site visits, the Identity of the city of Orlando, and the Identity that OFA and AIA want to create. There is always a relationship between the site, the city and all its activities, and Lake Eola. A void.
The void creates a negative and positive of the activities going on in downtown Orlando. They play a contrasting role with each other, like a “Yeng and Yang.” Furthermore, the 2+2+2 program acts as the heartbeat of this space. They are the future architects of the city. And somewhat control the tempo of how the city grows.
Student Information
Richard Vanhorne
University of Florida Graduate School of Architecture at CityLab-Orlando