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Autumn is here

About the Artwork

Aurelio Posada


24” x 24”


Original Oil on Canvas


About the Artist

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Aurelio Posada | Design Principal | Oil Artist

Aurelio Posada is a Principal at HuntonBrady Architects and Lead Designer with over 35 years of architectural experience.

He has served as panelist and presented in several national Healthcare Conferences. Mr. Posada has architectural experience in North America, South America, and Europe and is internationally recognized for his participation in design competitions. He is a member of the American Institute of Architects Orlando and an accomplished artist who produces many of the firm’s architectural sketches. Aurelio enjoys spending time traveling with his wife and son; he is an avid oil artist, as well as architectural freehand sketcher when traveling.

Architecture and art go hand in hand in Aurelio’s life and work. They complement and inform each other, and have become a single intellectual line of thought. Over the last years, Aurelio has expanded his art work, producing over 140 oil on canvas paintings, many of them reflecting his passion for architecture. These paintings have a strong influence of the Modern Masters’ work, his own trajectory as an Architect, and his cultural background and formation in Latin America and Spain.
His pieces have a distinct sharp definition of shapes, and a sense of place and scale, as well as a bold palette of colors.
Aurelio is always sketching with pencil on paper, exploring new ideas. Once something comes up that has some potential, he uses his IPad to actually do the final exploration of geometries, composition and color. ne listing and Artist Plaque to be placed next to your artwork in gallery.

Artwork Images

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