The plans for the complex originally included five stories with 226 units. The complex now will be three stories tall with 206 units. Poole & Poole Architecture LLC are the design firm, They also designed Steelhouse in downtown Orlando for Pollack Shores.
Pollack Shores said it worked collaboratively with “hundreds of residents of the College Park neighborhood throughout the development process” by hosting four public meetings and more than 50 private meetings with residents, business owners, the city architect and staff. But that hasn’t satisfied all the local neighbors, some of whom still oppose the project.
Read the complete article by Anjali Fluker in the Orlando Business Journal at this link: http://www.bizjournals.com/orlando/morning_call/2015/09/developer-wins-first-battle-to-build-contentious.html?ana=e_orl_rdup&s=newsletter&ed=2015-09-15&u=dymwEYfzIcmIVE0o96saXQ0923d260&t=1442324731
Here is a link to Pollack Shores Real Estate Group: http://pollackshores.com/
Here is a link to the Poole & Poole Architecture Website: http://www.2pa.net/main/