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Adventist Health Received IIDA’s Member Award


In keeping with the Adventist Health System’s philosophical approach to healing (the intersections of faith and medicine), the project celebrates the physical and spiritual elements of this mission throughout the building and site in both direct and subtle ways, allowing the discovery of these messages to engage employees and visitors alike throughout the day.

The site was initially comprised of wetlands and bordered by two major thoroughfares, which initially offered multiple challenges but became the metaphor of the client’s dual-focused healing mission. The bustling highway traffic became representative of the ever changing and dynamic healthcare landscape while the tranquil, natural setting offers a spiritual refuge and oasis. The interior design reinforces these connections at every turn, moving from one building to the next, across an activated landscape that speaks to the inclusive and collaborative culture of AHS.


The designers created a dynamic, terraced café, state of the art auditorium and pre-function spaces that share operable walls, allowing these individual spaces to convert into a single “mission room.”


All floors of the main building share a five story “mission atrium” and “mission stair”, bringing diverse teams together and providing every staff member with maximum daylighting and prominent views towards the spiritual garden oasis.

This project received the 2015 Member Award for Jim Hair of Little Diversified from the IIDA Florida Central Chapter. There are more images at the link. See all the Winners on their Chapter Website, under the IDEA Gallery tab:

Here is a link to the project page on the Little Diversified Architectural Consulting website, where you can also see the building exterior:

And a link to Adventist Health System:


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