Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has announced a new engineering school facility with a wind tunnel lab. The new complex designed by PGAL of Boca Raton will be the first buildings in Embry-Riddle’s new 100 acre research park on Clyde Morris Boulevard in Daytona Beach. The facility will function as an anchor to lure other aerospace companies to locate nearby to use the wind tunnel and lab as a research tool.
The wind tunnel will futher Embry-Riddle’s aerodynamics curriculum for engineering students, allowing them to design and build model planes and then see how they fly in winds that range from 10 mph to 230 mph.
Read the complete article by Matthew Richardson in The Orlando Business Journal at this link: http://www.bizjournals.com/orlando/news/2016/03/24/closer-look-at-embry-riddles-10m-wind-tunnel.html
And here is a link to PGAL’s website: http://www.pgal.com/