In early 2014 the AIA Orlando Chapter founded the Orlando Foundation for Architecture (OFA) as a separate nonprofit entity with IRS 501(c)(3) status in order to advance charitable initiatives on behalf of the architectural profession throughout Central Florida. The vision and mission statements for each are distinct from one another, yet complementary. The Chapter board has been given the power to appoint five OFA architect board members with the understanding that these five members will recruit four non-architect board members from the community-at-large. Collectively, these nine OFA board members will develop the strategy and provide oversight for the Foundation.

The Chapter and the Foundation are distinct entities with a degree of overlap. While the Chapter serves the profession, the Foundation works to serve the community-at-large. Both entities achieve their mission by promoting design excellence, increasing public understanding and value for the architectural profession, and solving community challenges through design solutions.
Orlando Foundation for Architecture Mission Statement
To create a forum to inspire local citizens by engaging them with thought leaders, civic leaders, academics, and design professionals to share knowledge and celebrate design solutions that enhance the built environment, natural environment and economic vitality of the Central Florida region.
The Foundation achieves its mission by:
Promoting Design Excellence – Creating programs that promote innovative architecture and design; Utilizing a design think tank to provide thought leadership, training, and technical assistance
Increasing Public Access to Architecture – Ensuring access to higher education in the study of architecture and design through scholarship funding; Publishing public blog on architecture and design
Engaging Community – Hosting public events and exhibits; Promoting sustainability and historic conservation throughout Central Florida
Orlando Foundation for Architecture Vision
The vision of the Orlando Foundation for Architecture is to develop vibrant, social, and sustainable communities throughout Central Florida by engaging the public, inspiring vision, and implementing positive change.
Architecture is an expression of, and a contributor to, society’s culture. By creating a region known for quality architecture and good design, Central Florida builds a positive identity that results in higher levels of tourism, international business, and technology and scientific research collaboration. This is at the heart of OFA: to elevate Orlando as a leading global city that utilizes architecture and design thinking to:
Establish a strong community culture and identity
Grow its economy
Ensure healthy urban environments
Promote sustainability
Implement best practices to maintain Central Florida’s green space
The Foundation is uniquely positioned to bring community members, business leaders, government leaders, academics, and design professionals together to collaborate, dialog, and advance work that positively impacts quality-of-life goals for Orlando and the Central Florida region.
Visit the OFA webpage regularly for updates and information.