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Save the Capen House


The Albin Polasek Museum & Sculp­ture Gar­dens, in part­ner­ship with the Friends of Casa Feliz and the Win­ter Park His­tor­i­cal Asso­ci­a­tion, along with a lead­er­ship com­mit­tee com­prised of preservation-minded cit­i­zens, announce the offi­cial launch of a fundrais­ing cam­paign to pre­serve the his­toric Capen House of Win­ter Park.

The offi­cial kick-off event for the fundrais­ing cam­paign has ten­ta­tively been slated for Thurs­day, August 8, at the Polasek Museum at 12 noon.

Donate to the Keep The Capen House campaign!

The Capen House was built in 1885 by one of Win­ter Park’s found­ing fathers, James Sey­mour Capen. The plan is to trans­port the home from its cur­rent loca­tion on Inter­lachen Avenue to a large lake­front lot on the Polasek Museum prop­erty.  The cur­rent own­ers, who delayed the demo­li­tion of the house at the request of com­mu­nity mem­bers, have accepted a let­ter of intent and will receive the final fundrais­ing cam­paign pro­posal in the com­ing weeks.

Read more on the Polasek museum website:


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