A lantern designed by students in the Alberti Program, in St. Louis.
The Orlando Foundation for Architecture has a mission to promote education in Architecture, and during our visioning sessions a few years ago during our formation, ideas to develop programs for young people were suggested. I am told AIA Jacksonville has a BOX CITY program where they engage young people in building a mock city from card board boxes. And many architects currently participate in the ACE Mentoring program in local area high schools. The OFA would like to find volunteers interested in developing a program for grade school children, whether it is a summer camp for a week, or a program brought to our schools. Below is an inspiring program I just found.
The National AIA Office of Diversity and Inclusion named the Alberti Program: Architecture for Young People, in St. Louis, as this year’s honoree in the AIA Diversity Recognition Program.
An educational outreach initiative of the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis, the Alberti Program introduces students ages 8 to 15 to architecture and design. It operates year-round as a weekday camp during the summer and as a Saturday afternoon program during the academic year , and is tuition-free . Participants are selected by their school principals and teachers. University students and faculty lead the curriculum , which emphasizes hands-on experiences and has an environmental focus.
This link to the Sam Fox School at WU has detailed information on the Alberti Program: http://samfoxschool.wustl.edu/alberti_program
Here is a link to the article about their recognition by the AIA in ARCHITECT Magazine: http://www.architectmagazine.com/practice/professional-development/the-alberti-program-named-the-aia-diversity-recognition-programs-2016-honoree_o?utm_source=newsletter&utm_content=Brief&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ABU_040516%20(1)&he=626ee2a7237e8ec1623022e8f23453855a89570e
Interested individuals can contact Greg Stock at this email: gstock@voa.com, or comment on this post with contact info.