Jeff Bezos, Blue Origin founder, and CEO of Amazon, said the $205 million facility will be completed by December 2017. The 750,000 Square foot rocket factory will accomodate manufacturing, processing, integration and testing. All of the vehicle will be manufactured here except for the engines. They are conducting a site selection process to construct a separate engine manufacturing facility.
Blue Origin plans to launch manned orbital vehicles from Florida’s Space Coast within the next 10 years.
You can read the complete article, with additional photos, by Matthew Richardson of the Orlando Business Journal at this link: http://www.bizjournals.com/orlando/news/2016/06/28/blue-origin-reveals-renderings-of-space-coast.html?ana=e_orl_bn_newsalert&u=dymwEYfzIcmIVE0o96saXQ0923d260&t=1467135009&j=74404072