The 6th Annual NAIOP Case Study Competition was an intercollegiate competition between undergraduate student teams from the University of Central Florida (UCF). Each team was asked to evaluate a prime site in Central Florida and devise a development plan based on the current market environment. All 4 teams presented excellent entries. We have already featured the winning entry, by the Union Solutions team. But we also want to share the other entries as well, since this competition involves a lot of work, not only by the students but also by the volunteer professional consultant members of each team.
This years site is an undeveloped parcel across from the convention center at I-4 and the 528 interchange, very close to Seaworld. The Atlas Development team, submitted “Opus at Westwood,” a mixed use development for the site, it included a TopGolf Entertainment Complex, a Professional Office Building, an American MagLev Circulator Station (Magnetic Rail system connecting Airport to Convention Center, I-Drive, and Florida Mall), and a pre-sold hotel pad. The team members were William Anderson, Vince Keating, Katherine Sanford and David Masi. The projects were judged on uniqueness, ability to withstand economic changes, return on investment, intuitive arrangement for parking, and exceptional design mixed with environmentally sensitive landscaped outdoor spaces. This student team worked with a real development team including Trey Vick and Amy McCook with Equinox Properties, Brad Williams with IBI Group, Jim Lucas Jr. of JEL, Randy Starr of Top Golf, Ajit Nana of Avista Hotels, Arnold Gibbs of AMT, Bernie Bernloehr of Wyndham, Isaiah ‘Ike’ Cottle of Realty Capital. Johnnie Lohrum Jr. from SchenkelShultz Architecture contributed the project design and illustrations!

This was an excellent opportunity for the students to gain real world experience as it relates to the development process, as well as fostering relationships with industry experts who have volunteered their time as mentors to the students. Many students that have participated in the competition have secured their first job in the real estate industry from the mentors and companies that participate in this event. Please also check out this link to the local NAIOP Website, they are a great and active organization: http://www.naiopcfl.org/aws/NAIOPCF/pt/sp/home_page